American Football

Category: Sports
American football is a fierce and physical team sport that combines athleticism, skill and intelligence like no other. Founded in 2006, the 2022 BUCS Southeast division 1A Champions, the Imperial Immortals American Football Club is a perennial title contender seeking to replicate triumph this year. The Immortals are an expansive family, we seek committed individuals whom we can trust to train, compete, achieve and exceed - regardless of experience level. The season is short, training is twice weekly, with games played on Sundays. For those interested in high level play, we have numerous links to outstanding teams around London with the chance to represent team Great Britain’s University Squad. We are also affiliated with the Imperial College Cheerleading Society collaborating on exciting socials throughout the year to help you forget how exams went. Our outstanding coaching staff with decades of experience between them, alongside our dedicated core of veterans, seek to build and train your talent into championship pedigree. Stopping at nothing short of the championship trophy. Vicious brutality or artful finesse - this, is the sport for you.

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Only available to members of Imperial College Union and Imperial Athletes.


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