Coding (ICSM)

Category: Academic
ICSM Coding Society hosts workshops, talks and social events – aiming to form a collaborative network of student-coders at Imperial. Join us to develop the skills for the digital future of medicine! ICSM Coding aims to provide easy access to affordable, beginner-level coding tutorials for students with no previous coding experience, alongside friendly peer support and further events exploring the applications of code in medicine.

From first term this year, we will be hosting our MedTech panel talk in collaboration with other ICSM societies. We will also run a 10-week Python course with sections released weekly on our course website. It will start with the basics before teaching you advanced topics like data science and dynamic systems modelling! On top of that, we’ll be holding our ICSM Coding Conference during the spring term. Our sessions are inexpensive, interactive, and social – covering both theory and practical skills, and focused on teaching students to design, write, and understand simple computer programmes. The MedTech industry is currently exploding with new start-ups, technologies and medical apps, and coding is rapidly becoming a useful skill for young medics to have in this ever-changing digital world. We are in a truly exciting time of technological innovation and change. Join us to equip yourself with the skills needed to be a part of the advancements of the future! Our £2 membership unlocks member-only discounts and priority to all our events. Join our mailing list for free for future updates!

Join Coding (ICSM)

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 5 current members



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