News & Blogs

Open letter to private landlords

Friday 15 January 2021 09:42 Blog
Officer Trustees Team

With the introduction of a new lockdown at the beginning of the term, we understand that the accommodation plans many of you had have changed completely. This is why we convinced the College to apply an automatic fee-waiver for Imperial-owned halls of residences for all students who can't come back to their hall - either because of current government guidance, or because of personal circumstance.

Union services update

Monday 14 December 2020 16:23 News

Following the latest government announcement that London will move into tier 3 from Wednesday, 16 December, unfortunately FiveSixEight will have to close from Tuesday evening. Our last opening day will be Tuesday, 15 December when we will close at 10pm. 

We'd like to thank you all for visiting FiveSixEight over the last few days and we do hope to reopen again soon, when the government guidelines allow.