News & Blogs

Nathalie's Mid-term Update

Thursday 28 July 2022 11:03 Blog
Deputy President (Welfare)

As it’s the halfway point in my tenure as Deputy President (Welfare), I wanted to take the time to share what an incredible year it has been and show my gratitude to all of you who have been part of this journey. While there are a lot of things I’m proud of achieving this past year, my standards for the upcoming year remain higher than ever.

Sam's Personal Highlights

Tuesday 26 July 2022 14:48 Blog
Deputy President (Finance & Services)

Being Deputy President (Finance & Services) has been one of the most exciting, challenging and emotional experiences of my life. I've grown and developed significantly over the past two years and I'm incredibly lucky to have had this opportunity. The Officer Trustee roles are an incredible life learning and building experience and I encourage everyone to consider running to be an OT.

My year as Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)

Tuesday 26 July 2022 10:10 Blog
Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)

As my year as Deputy President (Clubs and Societies) comes to a close, I have been reflecting on how much has changed in the past year. When I came into the role, COVID restrictions and the changes to them defined society activity. Now, we are pretty much back to normal – and I’d like to think this normal looks better than before.

Daniel's Year in Review

Monday 25 July 2022 14:46 Blog
Deputy President (Education)

The last twelve months have seen a profound change in Imperial College Union, Imperial College, and the world of Education. Still, the day-to-day impact I have had on students' learning experiences has kept me motivated, excited, and humbled to be your elected Deputy President (Education).

Summer Ball

Thursday 30 June 2022 10:36 Blog
Deputy President (Finance & Services)

Hi everyone 

We are still buzzing, and a bit tired, from the Union’s Summer Ball last Saturday.  After months of planning and collective hard work we pulled the night off as planned and it was absolutely amazing to see so many people get into the spirit of the night, and have fun.  

Summer Elections 2022: Results

Friday 17 June 2022 12:37 News

Results for our Summer Elections are in - find out who has been elected below! 

In this election we filled the post of Felix Editor, and the role of Gender Equality Officer which was not elected in our Leadership Elections in March. A total of 1,180 students voted in the main election, representing a 5.01% turnout, with 1,880 students voting for the roles within our clubs, societies and projects, representing a 10.23% turnout.

Food Bank Partnership

Tuesday 10 May 2022 17:39 Blog
Liberation and Community Officers
Our Advice Service and Working-Class Network are working collaboratively to ensure all students at Imperial College experiencing financial hardship have access to food banks across the UK.