
FemTech Professional Headshots

Ready to level up your LinkedIn game? 🚀 It’s time to shine! Get your professional headshots taken on January 30th, 6:30pm at Imperial South Ken campus. Perfect for CVs, applications, and making your profile pop. 📸 Pro photographer + sleek backdrop = instant upgrade. Don’t miss out! ✨ You will receive 2-3 portrait headshot photos sent to you digitally via email. All you need to do is show up at the Photosoc Studio located in the West basement of Beit Hall. £15 per person, to be purchased on the Union website. Please sign up via the following link:

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This product is sold by a Club, Society, or Project. For further information about how this product is fulfilled or for any enquiries relating to this product please contact the relevant group or Union Reception

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Requires a membership of the Union.