CSP Committee Management

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Culture & Behaviour

Committee Structure Changes

Committee Resignations

We understand that being a volunteer for a Club, Society or Project can be tough. When taking on the role, it is never easy to know what the future will look like for yourself, your studies or the student group. There may be many reasons why someone may decide to stop being a committee member and It is fully acceptable and ok that if being a volunteer for one of our student groups becomes too much, that you make the choice to step away from the role you hold. 

To do this, simply complete the form below to notify the Union that you wish to resign from your committee role and we will update the system. If possible please let your committee know you want to resign, but if you don't feel comfortable we can do that for you. 

To submit a resignation form on SUMS, you must 1) choose your CSP, 2) go to Overview 3) go to Forms 4) new submission. You can access your SUMS dashboard via this link