Camille Boutrolle

Headshot of Camille in Beit Quad

Hello! This is Camille, your Union President.

I joined Imperial in Oct 2019 as an aeronautics undergraduate. My favourite part of being a student was my time in clubs & societies. I was a keen netball-er, rugby lass and snowsports gal, which meant my Wednesdays often revolved around Harlington and the Union. In my third year, I became President of the Netball Club and in my final year I organised the snowsports trip to Tignes for a couple hundred people keen on the slopes.


A bit more about me.

As you might have guessed from my name, I’m French by background but actually grew up in London, south of the river to be precise. My hobbies include not knowing how to dance but doing so anyway, getting competitive (mainly through sports) and spending time with the people I love. The most fun fact about me is that, in a past life, I was a Wimbledon ball girl and so I’ve touched more famous tennis player sweat than I like to recall.


Why Imperial?

My favourite thing about Imperial is the people it attracts. That’s not to say that everyone is everyone’s cup of tea…but I truly believe I found my people and I loved being surrounded by driven and stimulated individuals.


My 2024/25 goals.

  • Lobby to increase the London allowance for PGR students
  • Create more IDX module opportunities
  • Increase the amount of green and study spaces on campuses


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