2024/25 Officer Trustees sitting on a bench outside in Beit Quad. They are smiling and seated together.

Your Officer Trustees

The Union is led by the Officer Trustees who are elected every year in our Leadership Elections in a cross-campus ballot. They take a year out of their studies and work full-time, making your Union and Imperial even better. Our elections achieve one of the highest turnouts of any Students' Union election in the UK and you can get involved with the Leadership Elections every March.

Your Officer Trustees are here to improve the student voice for all students at Imperial. They represent you to Imperial on issues such as your course, department and faculty as well as any other problems you may have during your time at Imperial. They are here to make your time at Imperial even better and to ensure you have the best possible experience both during your studies and personal life. They work hard for all students to create a positive and welcoming student community, you can read more about what they are doing on their blogs, or contact them.

Your Officer Trustees for 2024/25

Click below to find out more about your Officer Trustee team for 2024/25. Feel free to reach out to them and keep an eye on our social media channels, emails, and website to see what they're up to throughout the year!